Correspondent Application signed by all Principals, Partners and Broker of Record
Neptune Wholesale Purchase Agreement
Warehouse Line Disclosure
Affiliated Business Disclosure
Anti-Money Laundering Policy Certification
Rate Sheet Request and Marketing Consent Form
Completed Corporate Resolution or LLC Resolution authorizing the applicant to become a Neptune Wholesale Broker and identifying those officers, or other individuals, authorized to act on the applicant’s behalf.
W-9 – Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certifications
Wholesale Compensation Agreement (only if brokering FHA loans)
FHA Addendum (only if brokering FHA loans)
Audited Financial Statement or Business Tax Return from the prior fiscal year (include financials and/or tax returns for parent company also, if applicable)
Copy of internal Quality Control Plan
Download all required documents here: Neptune Wholesale Correspondent Package
Note: Neptune Wholesale is unable to lock or fund your loans until your broker application is approved.
The completed correspondent package and all of it’s attachments should be emailed to: [email protected] as to provide you with an excellent client experience.
Seller / Servicer Approved with Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac.